Платформа для обучения, адаптации, оптимизации HR процессов

Управление пользователями и учебным процессом: создание траекторий обучения, пересдача тестов и заданий

Автоматизация и аналитика

Мотивация и геймификация сотрудников

Платежные и другие возможности

Courses showcase and user management do the job for you
Business motivates employees through online trainings
Reports and analytics answers the questions
Online training makes it accessible and convenient for the employee, and for business perspective it is a powerful motivation for employees. Engaging formats increase interest in learning and user-friendly interface makes it easy to work with the platform even on a mobile device.
You will get the whole learning statistics in clear reports with visual infographics - you will see that the online training process can be effective.
A showcase with courses is always available for employees and allows them to take any course they like, while the functionality of creating and managing groups helps to create and assign a course only for certain groups of people.
Zoom: DoYoSkills already supports zoom webinars due to the existing integration
Social media: Self-registration through social media accounts: Google, Facebook, Yandex, Vkontakte and others…
PayPal: payment gateway for accepting payments for courses and webinars is supported
Train employees and partners in easy and interactive way with DoYoSkills - improve the quality of your business.